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  • Jam and preserves

  • Mincemeat (sweet)
  • Makes about 1˝ kg/ 3lb.

  • Ingredients

  • 250g/ ˝ lb. cooking apples
    250g/ ˝ lb. raisins
    250g/ ˝lb. currants
    250g/ ˝lb. sultanas
    250g/ ˝lb. Suet
    1 lemon or orange
    1 level teaspoon mixed spice
    25g/1oz mixed peel (optional)
    250g/ 8oz soft brown sugar
    3 tablespoons brandy (optional)

  • Method

  • 1 Cut the apples into quarters, remove the peel and core.
    2 Grate the orange or lemon rind. Squeeze out the juice.
    3 Mince the apples and the dried fruit. If you do not have a mincer, chop them finely.
    4 Put them into a bowl with all the other ingredients and mix well.
    5 Pack into clean, dry jars. Only fill to within 2cm/ ˝ " of the top. Cover and label as for jam. If possible, leave for a few weeks to mature before using.

